May 7, 2009



You were a string player before
you became a singer, and this
song has nice strings. It's my
goodbye song to you:

If I'm lucky enough to die before
you, I can hope you'll someday know
how I feel about you. I do believe
life is a mystery, and love unlimits us;
but will you be surprised when my letters
arrive and you come upon these poems
and you realize about the Swedish
Girl letter, Papageno's Gift and Torna,
Torna and Love Songs for One
Not Expected to Return, that they were
all written for you, all my trying to make
sense of my love for you.

I bet you'll be astounded to know that
for me the mystery of my life and my work -
what is the difference for the true artist
really? - has all been tied up in you.

If I never said I loved you,
Now you know I tried,
Babe, now you know I tried.

I love you, Rachel. Goodbye.