May 17, 2009

Final Posting: a technical note

A Technical Note

This is just to say,
Only a technical note really,
That as of today,
I am stopping posting:
No, my feelings have not changed,
Deepened maybe. A new photo,
Sepia-toned, breaks my heart again.
Everything I love in your face
Is in that photo, and you
Looked happy - God bless you, I hope you are -
Next to the note which says, "Gone whale watching!"
Oh, I hope you submerge together in a sea
Of happiness, and if I never see you again,
Still you will keep inspiring my Return in Italy
As Caterina Martinelli inspired her Claudia,
And, who knows, life transforms itself into
So many strange shapes, maybe there will be
A return for us.

In any case,
I am so thankful I did not
Die that day
.that day before I had tasted
.the full mystery of life and seen your face,
.the face I love,
.the love I carry.
Oh, I'll always carry the hope
You may think of me one more time.

Here's a final wish for you: