I call you Rachel of the Windows, Because your eyes were always, for me, The windows to a better world.
Kit Carsson
1965 - 2010
Words on my Gravestone (digital)
Rachel, The God who is Love Promises but one thing, I will not forget you.
Our deepest fear Is to be forgotten By those we love.
And I am very afraid.
About Me
By one of those ironies of fate, Hurt McDermott and I were both diagnosed with potentially fatal forms of cancer within weeks of each other, thus bringing the once glorious but already gasping theater company, Marlowe's Swan, to its knees.
Hurt went on a program of visiting Pittsburgh to see just how depressing life could really be to overcome his early death; but I got well simply through the ministrations of my sweet, beautiful-eyed nurse, Rachel.
She is cheerful, reserved and honest. She has a greatness in her soul she doesn't fully appreciate, and she loves music & beauty even if she doesn't love me.
The problem with my recovery is she left my life, and now I think it would have been simpler if I had just died.
Unfortunately I don't think I'll die of love anytime soon, so to make my life bearable, and because I can safely say she isn't much of a reader, I have started this blog to proclaim my love for the one who saved my life with the hope that no one, especially Rachel herself, will ever read it.